The deadline for the 2018 festival is March 1, 2018.


  • No films to be submitted without complete entry forms
  • All DVDs to be clearly labelled
  • All submissions to include the following: approx. 200 word synopsis, minimum 2 stills from the film as a JPEG (300 dpi), complete filmography/biography of the director
  • Screeners and any promotional material submitted will not be returned to the sender
  • No material sent at charge of festival will be accepted
  • All DVD preview screeners to be submitted in PAL or NTSC format
  • In the event of your film being selected, it must be available in Blu-Ray Disc, DVD or DCP in English or with English subtitles
  • The holder of copyright authorises the Festival to make excerpts, of a maximum of three minutes, available to television channels and for use on the Encounters website for the promotion of the film and the festival.

Submit an African documentary

Submit an International documentary

We present an Audience Award to Best South African Film & Best International Film at the end of the festival.


Contact Person

Tel: +27 21 465 4686
Fax: + 27 21 461 6964

Postal Address

PO Box 2228
Cape Town
South Africa

Physical Address

25 Francis Street
Cape Town 7925
South Africa